Hi All....
The German government wants to forbid so called "killer games" in
Germany, games such as UT and CS shall be forbidden and may not be sold
if they come through with it. So please sign to petition site let us gamers survive.
source: http://www.minsta.net/#comments20
author: Thalan
petition site: https://epetitionen.bundestag.de/index.php?action=petition;sa=details;petition=4958
The German government wants to forbid so called "killer games" in
Germany, games such as UT and CS shall be forbidden and may not be sold
if they come through with it. So please sign to petition site let us gamers survive.
source: http://www.minsta.net/#comments20
author: Thalan
petition site: https://epetitionen.bundestag.de/index.php?action=petition;sa=details;petition=4958