First I want to thank all members of our clan NK for their representation, support and thanks that you are with us, This nomination is an inspiration to us all, all the members have played very well so please accept this nominations with caution...
Award Results:
e[NK]ey Award 2009
best e[NK]ey members/posters:
1. M@ra [NK]
2. Cookie! [NK]
3. Apophis [NK]
in game:
best e[NK]ey members/players ACTIVE:
1. M@x [NK]
2. Bfg [NK]
3. Apophis [NK]
best e[NK]ey members/players DM:
1. Bfg [NK]
2. M@x [NK]
3. M@ra [NK]
best e[NK]ey member/player 1on1:
1. Mo [NK]
2. Cookie! [NK]
3. M@lik [NK]
best e[NK]ey member/player CTF:
1. Apophis [NK]
2. M@x [NK]
3. Bfg [NK]
others clans:
best [clan] posters:
2. Maniac/su [PROPHETS]
3. Lost [PROPHETS]
Another very good players are ent: dunno if he is active in game , our new clan member Lady Lucy that are better from day to day, tourch Wood: play only sometimes...
Thank you all and pls stay with us
Last edited by od@r on Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:27 pm; edited 8 times in total