by [Ex-Sophie] WYNBAD Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:28 am
I use FreeBSD since quite some time now. Anyone interested in the major differences to Linux should take a look at →
this article←, although a little outdated and mainly referring to FreeBSD it explains quite a lot.
I still prefer Linux after all, propably because I'm more of an anarchist than an orthodox. But it's interesting and inspiring to work on both and compare the differences, I also get lots of ideas when working with other unixes / unixoid systems like Solaris, HP/UX, Aix... it's interesting to see how others solve certain things.
Um by the way... you guys realize that using a 64bit-system only has advantages when using processes that need more than 4GB of RAM? And I mean a *single* process. Anything below can be handled by 32bitters as well (pae-Kernels can handle 64GB of RAM and *up to* 4GB per process - I'm pretty sure I never ever had such a process running on any of my home-desktop-systems),
64bit is the future, though. Only it's very unlikely that users will benefit from it *today*.