The last couple of months I've been playing almost exclusivly on DTG ctf and i think it's there, as a ctf player i belong.
When playing there I've become good friends with Mattias and Heddiz who also is Swedish like me. And I've also come to know the other DTGs on they'r IRC chatroom.
And when I've been playing on the PK servers with different physics I've lost the touch. =/
And i believe that the future of this clan lies with those Physics. Cause on a TDM on NK or PK servers, i don't think anyone will beat you today =)
This has nothing to do with the funwar, it was decided since a week ago. But i wanted to have one last playoff with you guys before i switched team. And how fun it was
You'll still se me from time to time, especially Pir, Apophis and Blacktail, and I'll still be the most active player on this forum (always have it in a tab)
Without further ado.
So long NKs! And thanks for all the fish!
It's been a pleasure playing with you all.
[DieTunichtguten] Nesquick